International Mass Spectrometry Foundation
IMSS 2025 - Austria
From the President of the IMSF:
It gives me great pleasure to invite you to join us at the 7th International Mass Spectrometry School in Vorau, Styria, Austria from 21 - 26 September in 2025.
Coming to Austria for the first time, this flagship IMSF activity offers a unique opportunity to learn about activites in other countries while advancing your MS knowledge. Education is at the heart of the professional development the IMSF aims to stimulate. Come to Voraus, Austria, to learn from and connect with mass spectrometrists across the globe.
The exciting program of lectures and workshops covers the breadth of mass spectrometry, from fundamentals to applications. Interlaced with interactive hands-on sessions and outstanding networking opportunities for all delegates, students and tutors alike, it is one of the highlights of the 2025 mass spectrometry calendar.
Ron M. A. Heeren
IMSS2025 is co-organized by the Austrian Society of Analytical Chemistry (ASAC). For more information, please click HERE.
IMSC 2026 - France
We are excited to announce the 26th Biennial International Mass Spectrometry Conference. This event will be held in Lyon, France from 22 - 28 August in 2026. IMSC2026 is co-organized by the French Society for Mass Spectrometry (SFSM), the SFSM Youth Club, the German Society for Mass Spectrometry (DGMS), the DGMS Young Scientists Group and the Swiss Group for Mass Spectrometry (SGMS). For more information, please click HERE or click the banner.
IMSF Tweets
IMSC 2024 Updates